Tuesday, July 15, 2008


No not another earthquake! But that's how much I lost. I was pretty happy about that. So far this is working well. I don't expect to lose that much next week. More like 2 but either way, I am losing! Thank you Jenny, you sly girl.


Anonymous said...

Hey give blood a pint of blood weighs 1 pound and so you will weigh that much less!

Jessica said...

Nice work Jana Banana! Since I have been back to the gym I have lost I think 2 pounds. But I did go pee before I weighed in so one pound might be that, but I'm still counting it as a loss.

By the way, whenever I read your blog the song "Rocking Robin" is always in my head but instead it goes like this: "Rockin Reno Tweet. Tweedly Twett."

Lisa, F is for Fischer said...

Yay for you Jana! Keep up the great work!!!