Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Boom- Shackalaka

That is the sound my big butt makes. But hopefully not for long. I started Jenny Craig. It is only day 2 but I have been doing well. I haven't cheated and I have really like the food. Isn't all frozen or dry stuff like cereal or bars. But it all tastes good so far. I am hoping this will cure my weight problems. I decided to do Jenny because they give you all your food, and with school going to start again soon I just won't have the time to cook they way I should when on a diet. Matt was very supportive and isn't even complaining that he has to eat qusadillas and bean burritos. My goal is to lose about 30 pounds. If i stick with it and lose 2 a week that will take 15 weeks. So it's not that bad. I share all this info because even though I am a little heavy most of you know I lack no confidence. I don't really feel ugly just a little jiggly, you know. So I will keep everyone updated on my losses, and hopefully I will reach my goal.


Jessica said...

Listen I know how you feel. I was running on the treadmill and my butt was on like a 2 second jiggle delay. Lord help me. Good luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well of course you are a confident woman! You been raised rite! Sadly your weight issues are an inherited issue butt I hope the Jenny Craig will help you. Now whenever you want to eat something you shouldnt you can think WWJC do?? Hey It worke for Marie O!!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with Jenny! I think you are beautiful already but what ever makes you happy honey. Wow you are going to look like a new person when this is all said and done. If you need any help let me know and when we go out I will make sure you eat healthy!


Lisa, F is for Fischer said...

A-men to the 2-second jiggle delay!