Monday, July 21, 2008

Yard sale Maddness!!!

On Saturday Jaslin and I hit the yard sales full force. We had some great finds. I think I spent a total of like 10 dollars and got all this cool stuff!

I got this awesome game board for only 7 bucks. it has craps, black jack and roulette all in one!

I found this gorgeous pot to put my spider plant in. It has out grown it's old one because I actually take care of it and don't kill it.

This stand was only 3 dollars. I know it's sideways so use your neck OK. It looks so cute on the patio it just needs a plant! I think it might become a herb garden. But that is very ambitious.


Lisa, F is for Fischer said...

Every Saturday I have to make a choice between the Farmer's Market or yard sales. That damn Farmer's Market always wins!


Irelan Family Blog said...

That was a lot of fun we should go again soon!!!