Tuesday, July 8, 2008

It was grounds for camping

So I rate my camping trip 3 out of 5 stars. I was interesting to say the least. It gets the first star simply because we got out of the house and went somewhere and I wasn't eaten by a bear or any other animal. Star 2 comes from our friend Chris and Jaslin. They definitely made it bearable and yes at times fun. The third star comes from all the wild antics that happened over the course of 3 days. Here are the high lites. I won't bore you with all the in between. One night we didn't eat dinner until midnight because the other couple camping with us, the lady to be exact, just had to make baked potatoes in the fire. They took an hour and were completely burned. Um brilliant to say the least. I bought a fishing license and fished all of 10 min. because it was boring to the max. On another instance Matt & I walked down to the bathroom and it was dark. We get to the potty and some obese woman is bellering about a man being in the woman's bathroom. Well it was a little old lady and her husband was just there so she wouldn't be scared. But this lady went all crazy and to the camp host. You could hear her all the way across camp. Well later we went back before bed and wowie big surprise there was poop smeared all over the freakin door and handle. I just about threw up that burned baked potato all over the place. So the camp host had to deal with that too. And come to find out he was pretty sure it was fatty that did it. Ugh. There was also an incident where the lady we were with got real drunk and was sure Matt was a lizard. This is what I had to deal with people. It was a crazy good time. I also took a shower in my bathing suit about 20 feet from the road. That was fun, plenty of honking. To top it off I forgot shampoo and only had conditioner. I was luck to even get a shower at all though. Anyways, I did a lot of complaining as you can imagine, I mean it's just what I do. But it wasn't bad enough to swear me off it. I think we might be going again in a few weeks. Lucky me. Actually i want to add one more star for the excellent strawberry margaritas and the banana shakes. Yummy in my tummy.

My Little Buddy Landen

We like to swim

Frenchman Lake

A pretty thisel

Cool place on the river


Jessica said...

Poo smear huh ? Remind me of the 5th grade when everyone was pooping in the sinks in the girls bathroom. I know it was you.

Anonymous said...

It was a fun trip we have to go again just without you know who! LOL! The baby loved it and can't wait to rock out this weekend!! Love Jazzy!

Emily said...

Sounds like quite the trip...at least it makes for some really great stories!